

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Rorschach inkblot test was developed by Freudian psychoanalyst Hermann Rorschach at the beginning of the twentieth century. Takers are required to look at a blot and express the first thing that comes to mind. After this initial response they should then make a more detailed list of everything they can see in the blot.

Although the Rorschach test was extremely innovative when it appeared, it was also very controversial for several reasons. Detractors argued that:

1. Inkblots are inherently meaningless. For evaluation results to be objective, the blots should have intrinsic meaning.

2. A psychologist is required to interpret the results of the test, which is thus undermined as interpretation involves the psychologist's projection.

3. Although a large number of people with a given personality trait will see specific images in an ink blot, a person who sees those images does not necessarily share the trait of that group of people.

Now, however, the shortcomings of the Rorschach test have been overcome by the similar but new, improved bob'sbarnblog smear test, the intrinsic meaning of which makes consultation with expensive quacks unnecessary, PROVIDED THAT the test taker gets the right answer.

Look at the image and write down what you see on a piece of paper. Answers forthwith: Posted by Picasa


  • At 10:19 am, Blogger Dave said…

    My first impression was of a lizard, or possibly a gecko.

    Then I saw a scarecrow, having been flattened by a steam-roller.

    But glancing back for a third time I saw a large red robot, with powerful pincer-claws, running towards me, intending, no doubt, to cut me into small cubes and feed me into a waste-disposal machine.

  • At 11:33 am, Blogger Bob said…

    Not bad at all! Just shows that first impressions are often to be trusted.

    The right answer: The image shows a jockey riding an African chameleon (Chamaeleo africanus) in the 2.15 at Haydock Park.

    N.B. The bob’sbarnblog team strongly recommends that respondents who answered incorrectly take full advantage of Pricefighter’s two-for-the-price-of-three self-imprisonment straight jackets (at eye-level by the checkout ) while the July offer lasts.

  • At 6:25 pm, Blogger Dave said…

    I think (in the light of my own blog today - serendipity or what?) I'll just assume that I'm mad anyway.

  • At 12:55 am, Blogger Simon said…

    That's never an African chameleon. It's a man with two left fists and, by jove, a penis growing out of his left thigh. You psykicks are all the same: loonies the lot of you. And if it was 2.15 the shadow would be different.


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