

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

erithacus' saga: erithacus yearns

Over the next few days, each time the tannoy sounded I pricked up my ears in the hope of hearing “Vanguard Fashions Erithacus to the office please!”. However, only Mike and the other warehouse operators were summoned. I felt jealous and neglected and took to ruminating. When that didn’t work I began lurking around outside the office door. One afternoon I phoned the office from inside a lorry trailer. An unfamiliar voice answered “Vanguard Fashions. How may I be of assistance?” I hung up.

Mary had been taking a night school self-assertiveness course, probably as the result Jim’s old-school character assassination and public derision management techniques. It was rumoured he had a Phd in sarcasm and humiliation. Jim was thus not party to business fads about getting the most of people by making them feel good in their jobs and share in the company’s corporate culture. These he qualified as “a load of shite”.

Mary’s bookshelves were laden with snappy titles such as “Be yourself, feel yourself” and “How not to do what other people want you to do when you don’t want to do it - or how to do what you want to when other people don’t want you to do it”.

It was therefore quite logical that having read all this stuff she should reach the conclusion that my squalid living conditions were the natural result of a fundamental lack of self-respect or self -esteem and a cyclical consequential and causative renunciation of personal dignity and validity as a human being. This was all probably quite true and also beneficial from my point of view as it was to lead to the rapprochement for which I yearned.


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