

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Klimt's "Couple with cricked necks": Kissing is a learned behaviour the origins of which may be associated with women who chewed up pieces of food and passed them directly into their babies' mouths. This sign of mother-child affection thereafter spread by transference to other relationships. However, there have been and still are non-lip kissing cultures in which food is passed this way. Early Vedic Sanskrit texts apparently (I haven't read them) describe Inuit-like, scent gland-sniffing nose rubbing and pressing, which was possibly a precursor to lip kissing.

Although some Central African tribes find kissing repugnant, kissing is manifest in many different human cultures. Couples often turn their faces to one side or the other when kissing and place their heads at an angle to prevent nose collision. Psychologist Onur G�nt�rk�n, who spent two and a half years as a voyeur collecting data on 124 "kissing pairs" at airports, parks, beaches and railway stations, showed that head turning to the right is twice as common as turning to the left. G�nt�rk�n claimed this phenomenon was the result of neonatal right side preference. Posted by Hello


  • At 11:46 am, Blogger Bob said…

    The psychologist's name should read Onur Güntürkün but there seems to be some kind of program/typing shoe interface incompatibility.

  • At 11:55 am, Blogger Dave said…

    I just thought you were trying to give him anonymity/avoid being sued.

  • At 12:07 pm, Blogger Bob said…

    I don’t think he would benefit much from litigation against me. Perhaps I’ll send him a bill for services in favour of the cause against Anglocentric accent-, umlaut-, eñe- and cedilla-exclusive programs.

  • At 4:36 am, Blogger Malcolm said…

    My wife started our son on solid food by just that technique - chewing the food then passing it to him. We never bought any of that Gerber babyfoods stuff. I think she used a spoon, though - rather spoils the anecdote, doesn't it!

  • At 11:09 am, Blogger Bob said…

    Like breastfeeding, probably very good for the baby's immune system and oneness with his mother, spoon notwithstanding.

  • At 2:19 pm, Blogger Simon said…

    An' we've been tole by our doctor that the chewing and passing on from bill to baby also transmits a range of fascinating oral diseases. But, since others (possibly doctors too) assert that life is a terminal, sexually-transmitted disease, does it really matter?

  • At 9:34 am, Blogger Bob said…

    Hello Simon,

    Perhaps that explains why the head condom never took off


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